Medical Marijuana Links
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Medical Marijuana Links

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Medical Marijuana News Links

Cannabis News a great site for the latest cannabis news, I use this site daily to keep up with the mmj movement. Its got an archive of articles that I like to use for research. I like this site alot. Good for answering questions about medical marijuana, reports, chat, and you can fax congress to let you voice be heard.

Safe Access Now On February 12th 2002 Asa Hutchinson made a visit to San Francisco to talk about drug policy; that same day DEA agents raided a Medical Cannabis facility and the homes of its associates. On February 13th the San Francisco Chronicle ran the story of the raids on page A 23. The lack of urgency in the media inspired Cannabis Action Network to spearhead a national campaign to educate both the media and public about the battle that is being waged on California's sick and elderly to deny access to the medication they need.

Greenaid A website devoted to the Ed Rosenthal legal stuggles. As most know Ed was convicted in January by a Federal court for growing medical marijuana, he's out now on bial pending appeal.

Marijuana Chat Communities Links

M.M.M. Message Board Here you can find chat and post nessages to communicate with like minded people. This site has links to chat and message boards.

Marijuana Research Links

The Washington State Medical Marijuana Act CHAPTER 69.51A RCW

Ninth Circut Court of Appeals This is the transcript from the highly controversial Ninth Circut Court of Appeals, which fell on the side of medical marijuana users and their doctors. Effectivly stopping the DEA from goinig after doctors who reconmend marijuana to their patients.

Assessing The Science Base This is a great report by the Isntitute of Medicine (IOM) proving that marijuana has medical value. I reconmend anyone who wants the truth to read this.

Marijuana as Medicine This is the next report by the IOM.

Washington Hemp Education Network This site has some good research materials for anyone looking for knowledge. If ya scroll down there's a link for cheap ways to be an activist for medical marijuana.

Chronic Cannabis Use A report on the effects of chronic cannabis use. This report was developed about the 4 of the 7 surviving people who have been recieving marijuana from our government for the past 27 years.

Journal of Cannabis Therapeudics This is a report on the effects of smoke and oral cannabis, the Endocannabiniod system and therapeutic use of cannabis sativa.