About Medical Marijuana Mainia
Medical Marijuana Mania


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My World

Medical Marijuana
is by far the most controversial natural substance. Since the dawn of time marijuana has spread healing among its seeds.

Jesus Christ himself used marijuana in his anointing oil, (which explains how he healed the sick).

Even though the bible still today has Jesus's anointing oil reciepe in the book of Exodus, religous leaders and governments alike will persecute anyone who uses marijuana.

Ever try to go to church high before?

Story Behind This Site
While watching TV one day I counted six anti-marijuana commercials. All of which in my opinion where misleading the public about the effects of marijuana. One add when as far as to say that if you smoke pot, you will shoot your friend with a gun.

With a bitter taste in my mouth and a strong desire for the truth, I began to search the web. Through my research I learned marijuana has been used safely by man for more than 2000 years, and that unlike what the commercials on my television where saying, marijuana has never, not even once been directly related to a death. You cannot overdose on marijuana, and it has never been proven to kill anyone through an automobile accident (yet in the amount of time it takes to read this 5 people have died from alcohol).

On this site you will find what I have found, the truth. I hope to provide you with links to my favorite marijuana sites, links to congressional documents about marijuana, chat rooms related to mj, message boards, and general information about medical marijuanaHome
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